Monday, July 15, 2019


In the remote communities of Kole Zale and Kanchame, perched in the rugged highlands of southern Ethiopia, water is doing far more harm than good.

Today, the 4,000 people who live in the two communities will drink water so thick with dirt, debris and even dissolved waste from animals, that just one sip can make them sick.

HOPE believes that water should sustain, not harm.

That's why we’re launching #NOMORETHICKWATER this week - we believe every person in Kole Zale and Kanchame should have water that is clean and accessible right in their communities.

Visit #NOMORETHICKWATER today. You’ll learn about the challenges people are facing and how you can become part of the solution by helping raise $400,000 in the next 60 days to transform the lives of 4,000 people.