Thursday, April 3, 2014

Meet Kokota Marie and her husband

Kokota Marie and her husband live in Gbatikombo, a rural village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They have four children and are incredibly happy together, through thick and thin.

In 2012, Kokota Marie and her husband harvested just 3 sacks of corn on their tiny farm. Some they kept for themselves and the rest they sold for $10. Imagine sustaining a family of 6 on just $10, or for that matter, even $50 or $100. It’s difficult to fathom how any family could survive on such a meager amount of income.

Sadly, their situation is not unique. Millions of families wake up to face the same problem every day – too few resources and too little income.

Thankfully, their situation has changed for the better. Kokota Marie and her husband are part of growing number of families who are transforming their lives through our “Farmers to Markets” initiative in their area.

Last year, their participation in our initiative resulted in a bountiful harvest of 34 huge sacks of corn, 25 of which were transported to the big market in Kinshasa where they fetched $50 per sack, earning a total of $1,250 in income! 

Prior to participating in our “Farmers to Markets” initiative, Kokota Marie and her husband would have never considered selling their harvests in Kinshasa - it’s too challenging, too far, and too expensive. Yet each of these barriers has been removed through their participation in our cooperative-based initiative. Selling harvests in Kinshasa is now a regular practice for everyone involved in the cooperative, as is earning significantly more income.

It took agricultural training, micro-loans for tools and seed, and a group of farmers to come together to support one another in making positive change. It also took you and the support you provide through your giving. Thank you for making all this possible.

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