Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Journey Out of Poverty Begins With Not Dying From Hunger

In Cambodia, one in eight children do not survive to celebrate their fifth birthday.

Chronic malnutrition among children in Cambodia is so prevalent that nearly 50 per cent are significantly underweight and not growing as they should. Their physical and mental potential will never be fully realized as long as the food crisis continues.

Children are too weak to attend school. Their frail bodies, damaged by years of hunger, are unable to fend off even the mildest cold or bacteria.

On any given day, one Cambodian mother is burying a child while another lays awake at night because she knows that the odds of one of her children suffering the same fate are almost certain.

Even if there were enough of the food these families currently eat, and by enough we mean just enough to take away the hunger pains, it has little or no nutritional value. Its only purpose is to fill the stomach and reduce the pain for a little while. Families try to grow food, but they lack tools, the proper kinds of seeds, and in many cases, the knowledge.

A small gift can provide an armload of sturdy gardening tools, a large quantity and variety of grain and vegetable seeds, and the training needed in order to grow abundant crops this year and for years to come!

Learn more about how you can help plant seeds of hope for Cambodian children and their families by visiting today.