Thursday, April 10, 2014

Back to self-reliance in the mountains of Honduras

After decades of suffering and struggle, indigenous Lenca families in rural Honduras are returning self-reliance with the help of an initiative that provides the resources and training families need in order to transform their lives.

Becoming self-reliant in rural Honduras, the second poorest country in Central America, is a major challenge, especially if you're a Lenca family forced to the margins of society. Most Lenca families live, if you can call it that, on less than $2 a day. Malnutrition is a major problem and children under the age of five are especially at risk.

The initiative provides training that enables Lenca families to grow enough food to sustain themselves as well as set up small businesses raising and selling fish, pigs, and chickens. Families also learn how to feed their fish, pigs, and chickens in a manner that doesn’t damage the local environment.

Visit to learn more about the initiative and how you can help.